Member-only story
In today’s discussion, we delve into the world of workplace friendships. We’ll explore who your most trusted coworker is, what underpins your friendship, how long your bond has endured, and the remarkable ways such friendships can positively influence your career.
When you envision a typical workweek, it becomes evident that a significant chunk — around 25% — is spent at your workplace. Whether this percentage is higher or lower for you, even 10% or 5%, the time you invest in your job significantly impacts your life, mental well-being, and motivation.
It’s worth recalling an older adage that asserts, “You can’t make friends at work.” This notion may initially appear perplexing. After all, why shouldn’t the place where you dedicate so much of your time be fertile ground for trust, companionship, and lasting connections? Was the skepticism of this older generation due to personal ego and paranoia, or perhaps a reflection of the perceived insincerity of the business world?
However, my own experience paints a different picture. In each of the five companies I’ve worked for, I’ve managed to form at least one deep and enduring friendship. These are friends with whom I take pride in each other’s accomplishments, and we steer clear of the treacherous waters of office politics. We openly share both the highs…